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Display/ show more than 10 results per page in Google search

Nothing is beyond Google. Google is the most powerful search engine in the world. It's reliability to the users is very high. Almost every users choose Google as their default search engine. So Google is the most powerful search engine all over the world. By default, search giant Google shows/ displays only 10 results per page.

Display/ show more than 10 results per page in Google search

You can easily increase the number of search result on every page. You may need more result to choose the right content within a moment. So 10 result per page is not enough for you. By following the steps, you can get more google search result on every page of Google search. You can configure Google page to show up to 100 results.


1) Open your web browser and go to "www.google.com".
2) Sign in Google with your Gmail account.
Not: You need not go sign in for this action. But if you sign in, your action will be saved for future use.
3) Write any keyword in the search box and press enter to search.

show more than 10 results per page in Google search
4) Click on the gear icon from the upper-right corner of the page and select "Search Setting".

show more than 10 results per page in Google search
5) Choose "Never Show Instant result" from the "Google Instant Prediction". And under "Results per page" move the slider to the right position after your choice.

display more than 10 results per page in Google search

Now Google will show your desired number of search results you selected.


1) Open your browser and go to "www.google.com".
2) Click on "Setting" from lower-right corner of the page and choose "Search setting".

display more than 10 results per page in Google search

3) Follow the 5th step of Method-1 stated above.


By adding a search parameter at the end of any Google search URL, you can choose your own search result number for every Google search page. By this method, you will be able to display any number of result which are not provided in Google "Search setting". The process is given below.

1) Open any browser and go to "www.google.com".
2) Search anything in the search box
3) Now go the URL end of the address bar and add the below parameter. Choose any number but the number should not larger than 100. Because the maximum result number is 100.
Write "Anything" in the google search box and press enter. Google will display only 10 search result with an URL like below.


Now I have add a parameter changing "xx" into 17. So Google will present me 17 search result immediately. The URL will be just like below.


display more than 10 results per page in Google search

If you change 17 into 3 only, the search result will be 3.

how more than 10 results per page in Google search

This is temporary process. It will not be saved for future use. You can use this method when the pc is not yours and for a single purpose.
Hope this will working. Feel free if have any suggestion. I love to know the new.

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