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How to Stop/ Remove Annoying KMPlayer Sidebar Advertising

Kmplayer sidebar is very annoying to most of the users of this player. It interrupts us when we enjoy a movie or any video. It takes internet access and we lose extra data. But we can easily stop this annoying sidebar add box for ever. It’s not a hard task. So, no more talk, just play the methods.

How to Remove KMPlayer Sidebar Advertising

Method 1:

Go to >> c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts  
Now open “hosts” file with notepad (double click on “hosts” file >> select notepad >> click Ok. “hosts” file will open).

Now copy this and paste on “hosts” file and save ( to save, press ctrl+s). player.kmpmedia.net ” (copy without quotation mark)

This will prevent the kmplayer to connect to the internet. As a result, no annoying sidebar will appear again!!!

How to Remove KMPlayer Sidebar Advertising

Method 2:

1. Double click on internet explorer icon to run it.
2. Click on tool  gear icon  from the right side.
Or, just press Alt+X on the keyboard. A window will appear.
3. Click on Internet options

How to Remove KMPlayer Sidebar Advertising

4. Click on security tab

How to Remove KMPlayer Sidebar Advertising

5. Click on Restricted sites to select and Click sites.

How to Remove KMPlayer Sidebar Advertising

7. Now, copy "player.kmpmedia.net "    (copy without quotation mark) and paste on the box named Add this website to the zone. In the box you will see a sample URL like below:

Remove the sample URL and paste this URL: "player.kmpmedia.net " (quotation mark).

How to Remove KMPlayer Sidebar Advertising

8. Press add and then close.

You're done. This is more effective than any other method. The annoying sidebar add box will never come again.

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