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How to download Facebook videos | Facebook video help

Facebook is the most popular social media. Now it is used for every purpose of our life. There are many users of Facebook. To them, Facebook is a part of their life. Sometime we need to download Facebook videos for future use.

Download Facebook Video Easily
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If you want to download Facebook video without any software, you can easily do that following some easy steps.

1) Choose and run a Facebook video file you want to download.

Download Facebook Video Easily

2) While running the video, change "www" into "m" of your Facebook video URL

Download Facebook Video Easily

3) It will look like this. Now click on the directed area.

Download Facebook Video Easily
5) Click on the circle to run the video.
download facebook video easily without any software
6) Now, right click on the video ( when it is running)
download facebook video easily without any software
7) Save video as ...
download facebook video easily without any software
8) You have downloaded your selected facebook video successfully!!

1 comment

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