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What is the difference between Antivirus and Firewall

Firewall and Antivirus are two different security applications. Both are important for the security of PC. They are different in nature and function. So they are fundamental security tools for complete security. A short description is given below about them and their functions.

difference between Antivirus and Firewall

Firewall and Its Function

Firewall actually protect you, not you PC. It protects hackers and some special types of malwares from reaching your computer. It can also control outbound traffic. It works like a filter between your computer and network. A thing only can go through this filter if it can meet the security setting of your PC. It works like a gate keeper between PC and the outside of the world. Any outgoing and incoming transmission is controlled by firewall. You can learn about Windows Firewall. It has two types:

1. Hardware Firewall
Any broadband modem is the most common hardware firewall. It is the first-line difference for packet filtering. A hardware device can easily monitor the packet of information. It checks the packet source and IP. If it is trusted then the information reaches your PC.

2. Software Firewall
It can control both incoming and outgoing transmission. It can check malicious behavior of any incoming packet and can block immediately.

Antivirus and Its Function

Antivirus detects all type of harmful programs existed in your computer. It detects and removes all installed or only existed programs in your computer that may harm your system security. Any types of virus, Trojans, malware, worm can be destroyed easily by it. It is a residential detective software. Usually any professional internet security (antivirus + internet) tool has both facilities. When user starts to download any malicious program unknowingly, it protects the PC immediately removing that. It also can detect any malicious email attachment. See the most secure antivirus applications for Windows here.

You may need to know:

What is Windows Firewall?

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