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How to find and run a program or app in Windows 10

To find and run an installed program or app on Windows 10 is very easy. But some beginners may face a slight problem to find the desired program on Windows 10. So I am going to show you how to find a program on Windows 10. Sometimes users do not find the necessary program on Windows 10 though the program have been installed. This tutorial will help them a lot.

Find and Run Program on Windows 10

a) Double click on the desired program shortcut icon from desktop. The program will run immediately. We are going to run Google Chrome.

find and run a program or app in Windows 10

b) If  the program shortcut is not found on desktop, click on Start and check most used list, start menu or all apps and click on the desired program to run. You can scroll down to find and run your program.

find and run a program or app in Windows 10

c) You can easily find the program by Windows Search. It it easy and fast. Click on the search button and write program name in the search box like below. Your desktop installed program will be shown at the top of the search result. If your web search is "On", the web search result will be shown below of your desktop apps. So you can easily Find and Run the program from there.

find and run a program or app in Windows 10

I hope this tutorial will be helpful to all the beginners. Feel free to make any question in the comment section.

1 comment

Axonic said...

Thanks, your tutorial was quite helpful!
I'm using the Lookeen Windows Search because the standard windows search was much too slow. The Lookeen search tool is really powerful and provides the results i need.

Rear: I work for the company which developed Lookeen.

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