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Difference between Blog and Website | Blog and Website

A very common question peps up among the beginners of web learners. The question is, "What is the difference between a blog and a website?" Yes, it is very logical question to them and is undoubtedly necessary to the real primary or basic difference between a blog and a website. Here is the answer.

 Blog and Website 


Blog means "web + log=blog" and website is "site on web = website".The term website is general. Website is a location which is connected to the internet. It is the central location of so many types of web pages which are visited by a web browser like Google chrome, Internet explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera and so on. It has a name on the web to communicate with it.

Difference between Blog and Website


A blog is a part of website and a blog is run under a website. It has no complete individual address. For example, when we open a blog on blogspot/ wordpress, the blog address has an extension like "yoursite.blogspot.com" or "yoursite.wordpress.com" as the orginal URL this blog is http://getuts.blogspot.com/ .

Difference between Blog and Website

Blog is updated almost everyday and it is frequently crawled by search engine to fetch new content. Usually informal language is used in a blog. Sometimes it is run by so many authors and admins. Day to day updates are its very common features. Comment section is one of the richest sections of a blog.

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